UPDATE: This is now an Online Workshop using Zoom!
Who likes to do stuff twice?
Not me! This is why businesses need the right stack on digital solutions that integrate starting with Xero.
Join Adelaide Business Hub to find your custom stack to build time and financial efficiencies for your business.
- XERO Demonstration to highlight tips and tricks to gain efficiency
Reconciling, Payables, Receivables, Payroll, Superannuation, Contacts, Settings, Reports - Payment Gateway solutions to improve cash flow and reduce debtors
- Data Entry Automation solutions to reduce time and improve accuracy
- Employee Management, Time Recording and Payroll integrated solutions
- Integrated Customer (and supplier) Relationship Management solutions
- Industry focused integrated digital solutions for effective management of your business workflows
When: Wednesday 1st April 2020 9:45am – 1:00pm
Location: Online (Your facilitator will be in touch once you register)
Cost: $55.00
*Participants will need a laptop with access to their Xero file if they would like to follow along and check points in their own Xero file* (this is optional)
For further information please connect with Tania Dunduk,
Project Manager: tania@adelaidebusinesshub.com.au