Transforming Business 2018: Creating a Bloody Good Plan!

Novotel Barossa Valley Resort – Wednesday 29th August 2018 

Regional Development Australia Barossa’s Transforming Business 2018 conference on “Creating a Bloody Good Plan” focuses on the whats important in your strategic business plan today and covers all aspects of your business specifically Design sprints, Vision, Mission, Value & Supply chain and Globalisation, Brand and Marketing Strategies, Financial Cashflow and Budget  Management, Talent Attraction and Employee Learning,Digital Marketing, Knowledge and Information Assets etc.This is a formidable business opportunity for businesses throughout and beyond the Barossa, Gawler, Light and Adelaide Plains regions to learn from these educational and business leaders and invest this knowledge into your business plan. This is  the time to Invest in yourself and your business! “If one fails to plan, One Plans to Fail”

Regional Development Australia (RDA) BarossaGawler, Light and Adelaide Plains have organised  this major business conference with presentations from Educators and Business gurus from The University of Adelaide MBA Business School, University of South Australia, Australian Institute of Business, Experience Matters, More Space for Light, Ehrenerg-Bass Institute, DoctorZed Publishing, Coco Consulting, Good Experience, amongst others. These business and Knowledge leaders will share their knowledge,experience and skills to help positively transform your business.

Here is our great line up of our expert speakersFor more information on the Speakers and the presentations click here: Associate Professor Nina Evans, Associate Professor Ashley Miller, Dr Margaret Faulkner, Dr Juhani Tuovinen, Dr Scott Zaravinas, Dr Mohsen Varsei, James Price, Nicola Lipscombe, Ella Ward, Tony Clark and Dan Levy . 

Your entry ticket is such great value for a full day Business Conference, which includes 11 speakers, lunch and an excellent Networking Function with drinks to meet speakers, new clients and grow your business!

Book your ticket quickly, as we have limited seating.

Date Wed, August 29th 2018
Time: 8:30am — 4:30pm
Address Novotel Barossa Valley Resort 42 Pioneer Avenue Rowland Flat
Click here to register for this event
For more information on the Speakers and their presentations here