Vince Cosmai has been working in the Modular Construction Industry since 2003 through various employers. He is currently with Bianco Hire as the Business Development Manager for their Modular Fleet of Buildings and Construction Site Ancillaries.

Vince’s background is mainly in Finance & Management, following studies at both Flinders University and Torrens Valley TAFE, and his passion for the Building and Construction Industry drives him in his current role.

Vince was thrilled to be approached to join the Board of the Northern Economic Leaders and has been a board member since 2019. Given his employment home is situated at Burton in the heart of the commercial Northern precinct, it was a natural fit geographically as well. His focus on the construction industry provides NEL with a voice for the important role that building and construction forms as part of the overall economy.

Vince continues to bring to the Board his learnings and experiences with Construction and Manufacturing in the Northern Suburbs, which has faced many challenges in recent years. He wants to ensure all business thrives in the Northern Suburbs, particularly in construction and manufacturing to ensure its sustainability, and work towards future growth. This will, in turn, create opportunities and open many doors to foster and improve the youth employment levels in the Northern suburbs.