Northern Adelaide Plains Horticultural Industry – a discussion on the future

NEL upcoming event horticulture industry
The event was is proudly hosted by the Stretton Centre; PIRSA; HortEx; AUSVEG SA; and RDA Barossa, Gawler, Light and Adelaide Plains.

Horticultural producers and supporting businesses were invited to attend this event and be a part of the conversation. They talked about where they would like to see the region in the future, and what we can all do to ensure the region continues to grow.

Presenters shared the results of a recent survey conducted amongst growers in the region and talk about how the Northern Adelaide Plains is benchmarked against other regions. There was opportunities to discuss how producers and businesses in the region can work together to overcome some of these issues, and achieve a productive and prosperous future.

CLick here to check out the video we launched at the event, showcasing a beautiful region that we are proud to be a part of.