Manufacturers – Planning Your Digital Transformation

Manufacturing - Planning Your Digital Transformation

Are you considering digitalisation but don’t know if you are ready or where to start?

To help forward-thinking manufacturing organisations to start or further develop their digital transformation strategy, the Department for Trade, Tourism and Investment is encouraging companies to work through the discovery process through the Innovative Manufacturing CRC’s futuremap® Program.

Whether you are new to digital manufacturing or well on the journey, the futuremap® workshop will give you the chance to test your current thinking and internal capacity to digitally transform your business and then have you consider where you realistically aspire to be and by when.

In addition to the self-assessment report, futuremap® offers you access to a broad eco-system of supporting organisations and programs. Sessions should be attended by senior representatives of manufacturing businesses (ideally a business owner or executive plus one operations manager).

As places are limited, only two participants per organisation.
If you would like further information or to register your interest, contact

See various times and locations