It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a community to build a startup. A networked and collaborative startup ecosystem helps to grow stronger companies, so the sooner you get amongst it, the better!
This event is designed to help new entrants become quickly acquainted with the Adelaide startup scene.
What we’ll cover
- Why Adelaide – share the reasons why Adelaide is an incredible place to start a company
- Ecosystem Map – talk through the programs available
- Where we fit – how the Entrepreneurship Facilitator Service (EFS) fits into the startup community
- How to get connected – insiders tips
- Things we care about – Communities have shared attributes, so it’s important to be familiar with them from the start
- Ask me anything – Ask the host anything you like about Adelaide, the ecosystem or their organisation’s part in it
- 11:45 Arrive
- 12:00 Presentation starts
- 12:45 Q&A
This event is casual and uncatered, so feel free to bring a coffee or a sandwich, and come equipped with at least one question you would like answered that will help your business.
When: Wednesday 31st July 2019 12:00pm – 1:00pm
Location: Adelaide Business Hub, 6 Todd Street, Port Adelaide.
Cost: FREE