Our Charter


The board of the Northern Economic Leaders has resolved to establish a number of sub groups. The Food, Agriculture and Beverage sub group’s role, specific duties, composition and methods of operation are set out in our Charter.

Sub Group role

The overall role of the Food, Agriculture and Beverage sub group is, through involving all members of the food sector, to assist the NEL board to obtain the relevant insight to the industry’s issues in the Northern Adelaide area to enable innovation to be at the forefront in the competitiveness of the region.

Specific Duties

  • Develop relevant industries in the Northern Adelaide region;
  • Convene think-tanks and fore sighting workshops to help organisations become more productive, environmentally friendly and adaptive to economic conditions and climate change;
  • Lobby State and Federal governments to have policies and programs to support the sector organisations and to address sector issues/needs in the Northern Adelaide region;
  • Identify opportunities for industry collaboration to resolve specific issues
  • Encourage active participation by individual businesses and employers in the expansion of the business and its employment with a sense of social obligation to the region;
  • Proactively communicate from their industry to the NEL board:
    • Practical and realistic issues and views of relevance to the sector
    • local success stories which can be used to promote the region
  • Communicate from the NEL board:
    • emerging opportunities, policy changes;
    • significant events;
    • funding opportunities;
  • Provide input into addressing the challenges of the industries in the region;
  • Enable linkages to facilitate networking and mentoring amongst businesses and employers, to share knowledge and skills;
  • Assist or collaborate in staging seminars, events and briefings to facilitate the growth of relevant businesses in the region, and;
  • Leverage the capability of the University and other research organisations

Sub Group Membership and Chairman

The Food, Agriculture and Beverage Sub Group will have at least two NEL board members, one of which will be elected as the Sub Group Chairman. The Sub group will also comprise the NEL Executive Officer and invited industry and academic representatives. These representatives will be fully paid up members of the NEL. The number of Sub Group members will total up to twelve (12).


Meetings will initially be monthly then proceeding to quarterly.

Board Support

The NEL board will provide support as required for meeting venues and any administrative assistance.

The Food, Agriculture and Beverage Sub Group may not seek external advice or consulting assistance in undertaking its duties unless approved by the NEL board.


Our Charter will be reviewed by the Board annually.