2019 Industry Capability Network (ICN) Disruptive Technologies Seminar

Still trying to understand disruptive technologies? 

Join the Industry Capability Network and your peers at the Disruptive Technologies Seminar on Thursday, 6 June at the Adelaide Oval to receive inside knowledge from local experts on industrial applications of additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping; robotics and automation; data-driven decision-making; virtual and augmented reality; and machine learning and AI.

Aimed at those operating in the manufacturing sector, the seminar includes an interactive Q&A session with an expert panel and the opportunity to network over a buffet lunch. Best of all, you’ll hear from companies already implementing their own digital technology projects to gain a competitive advantage.

When: Thursday, 6 June 2019, 8:30am for 9:00am – 1:00pm
Location: Adelaide Oval

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